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Houttuynia cordata, the Chameleon or Lizard Plant, is named for Maarten (Martinus) Houttuyn (1720–98), the Dutch naturalist and physician from Hoorn, Netherlands. His 37-volume work Natuurlyke historie (1761–85) demonstrated an encyclopaedic knowledge of natural history. He followed in the footsteps of his father, Dr Willem Houttuyn, and qualified at Leiden in 1749. From 1757–65, Houttuyn translated foreign medical papers published in the 10-volume Uitgezogte verhandelingen (‘Selected papers’). He spoke many languages, but preferred speaking in Latin with foreigners. His other publications are numerous and it is unlikely that he found time to practise as a doctor. His ‘cabinet of curiosities’, the zoological specimens, was auctioned in 1787 and the botanical specimens in 1789.
Oakeley, Dr. Henry. (2012). Doctors in the Medicinal Garden. Plants named after physicians. Royal College of Physicians. p.86 link


This hardy, perennial member of the Saururaceae family is native to moist woodlands and marshy areas from the east Himalayas to Japan. It prefers to grow in rich, damp soil in sun or partial shade. At the Medicinal Garden we grow its cultivars in pots on a sunny terrace. It has aromatic heart-shaped leaves and small white flowers. Stock can be easily increased by dividing clumps in spring. (Clare Beacham)
Oakeley, Dr. Henry. (2012). Doctors in the Medicinal Garden. Plants named after physicians. Royal College of Physicians. p.86 link


Houttuynia cordata is used in traditional Chinese herbal medicine, and in Japan as a tonic tea, dokudamicha, and for chronic earache. The plants we grow at the Medicinal Garden are the cultivars ‘Boo-Boo’ and ‘Joker’s Gold’ with multicoloured leaves, variants of the wild form whose leaves are just green.
Oakeley, Dr. Henry. (2012). Doctors in the Medicinal Garden. Plants named after physicians. Royal College of Physicians. P.86 link

Houttuynia cordata Thunb. 'Joker's Gold'

Genus: Houttuynia
Species: cordata Thunb.
Cultivar: 'Joker's Gold'
Common names: Heart-leaved Houttuynia 'Joker's Gold'
Distribution summary: E.Himalaya to Japan
Habit: Perennial
Hardiness: H4 - Hardy; average winter
Garden status: Not currently grown
Flowering months: June, July
Reason for growing: Commemorative, medicinal

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