Welcome to the plant database
The RCP garden of medicinal plants is unique in that almost every one of the over 1000 species of plant here has a link to medicine. It may be a herb with a long history of use in folk tradition; it may have provided the model for a pharmaceutical drug; it may be a fibre plant used to make bandages or its botanical name may commemorate a Physician and honour a contribution to science. The myriad stories they tell come from diverse cultures, different countries and from every age in recorded history.
The garden, which was redesigned in 2005, surrounds the Grade 1 listed building designed by Denys Lasdun and it reflects both the RCP's contemporary role and its more than 500 year history. The striking building is both a meeting place for Fellows and Members and an important conference centre, while the garden provides a peaceful and attractive outside space for the use of employees and other visitors. It is also an educational resource in its own right with numerous horticultural and other special interest groups being welcomed throughout the year by the Garden Fellows Dr Angela Barnicoat, Dr Sue Burge, Dr Timothy Cutler, Prof Anthony Dayan, Dr Arjun Devanesan, Prof Graham Foster, Dr George Huntington, Dr Henry Oakeley, Prof John Newton, Dr Noel Snell and Prof Michael de Swiet. The garden is looked after by Head Gardener Jane Knowles and Assistant Gardeners and Plant Records Officers Angela Tunstall and Florence Duncan Antoine. They are supported by several volunteers.
This database is a list of plants currently or previously grown in the garden. For each of these plants it holds images and basic information such as name, geographical distribution and reason for growing here. Some include further details on their uses.
The garden of medicinal plants and the database are intended to offer an overview of the history of medicinal plants and their uses. Many of the plants grown and described here are highly toxic and may cause severe allergic reactions or serious poisoning. The Royal College of Physicians strongly advise against self- diagnosis or treatment and recommends that a medical professional is always consulted.
Find out more
With over a thousand specimens in The Garden of Medicinal Plants’ collection, there is a great deal more information on offer on our database. Please click on the following link to hear the Garden Fellows and gardeners talking about the plants in a podcast: Garden podcasts
Follow us on Instagram @rcp_garden
Please click on the following links to see videos about some of our plants:
- by Garden Fellows: Plants in medicine
- by the Head Gardener: Life in the garden
Please follow this link for books produced by the RCP garden team, including our new publication Modern medicines from plants growing in the RCP garden
Garden visiting
Visitors to the Medicinal Garden are welcome between the hours of 9am and 5pm on weekdays, as individuals or in small groups of up to 5 people.
Please note that the garden is occasionally booked for private functions and will not be open to the public on these occasions.
Guided tours (booking essential)
Open tours of the Medicinal Garden are given by senior physicians from the RCP on the first Wednesday of the month at 2pm (April–October).
To book, please call: Tel: +44(0)20 3075 1649 or +44(0)20 3075 1200 (ask for reception)
For organised groups of 6 people or more, tours can also be arranged on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays between the hours of 11am and 3.30pm
To enquire about bookings, please email: garden@rcp.ac.uk with the subject ‘Garden tour’
No charge is made for any of these tours; however, donations towards the Garden’s upkeep are gratefully received.
Why not consider combining your garden tour with a taster tour of the RCP museum? This starts at 1:30pm and you can register for free via Art Tickets
Medicinal Garden lecture series 2024
We hold three lecture afternoons each year. The dates for 2024 are 12 April, 25 July and 2 September. Information about the content for later lectures will be available shortly.12th April 2pm to 5pm
- 2.00pm Lecture: 'Plants, Poisons and Pots. An exploration of English Delftware Drug Jars and their contents' - Speaker: Briony Hudson, Director, Amersham Museum and independent pharmacy historian.
- 3.00pm refreshments and garden tours
- 4.00pm Lecture: 'Fruit bruised & fryed in an iron pot and applied to yaws cures them': Exploring the Indigenous and Enslaved African medicinal cures collected by Dr Alexander Anderson (d.1811) at the St Vincent Botanical Garden - Speaker: Dr Christina Welch, University of Winchester
- 5.00pm End
- Members = £15
- Non-members = £20
- Members = Free
- Non-members = £15
Garden Open days for charity 2024
We open for the London Open Gardens Weekend run by London Gardens Trust charity; the 2024 date is Saturday 8 June, 10am-5pm. Guided tours run throughout the day. Tickets can be pre-booked via the London Parks and Gardens website.
We also open for the National Gardens Scheme charity. The date for 2024 is 15 July, 11am-4pm. Guided tours will be running throughout the day. Tickets can be pre booked via the NGS website.
All images © Dr H.F.Oakeley. For reproduction please send an email to garden@rcp.ac.uk
For enquiries about the garden and/or database, please send an email to garden@rcp.ac.uk
How to cite us, The Royal College of Physicians’ Garden of Medicinal Plants at http://garden.rcplondon.ac.uk/