Additional notes (click to expand)


Has a long history of herbal use for a wide range of ailments. Mostly used historically as a diuretic in heart failure (dropsy).
Parkinson, John (1640) 'Theatrum Botanicum' London, Thomas Cotes

Other use

Dye plant: yellow from flowers and whole plant; insecticide made from a tea
Plants for a Future at


Toxic to animals
Professor Anthony Dayan, 2022

Linaria vulgaris Mill.

Genus: Linaria
Species: vulgaris Mill.
Common names: Toadflax
Distribution summary: Europe; S.W.Asia
Habit: Short-lived Perennial
Hardiness: H5 - Hardy; cold winter
Garden status: Currently grown
Garden location: Plane tree bed (P), Plants of the World (B)
Reason for growing: Medicinal, other use

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