Atriplex hortensis, known to Culpeper as Arrach, says: "...It softeneth and looseneth the body of man being eaten, and fortifieth the expulsive faculty in him. The herb, whether it be bruised and applied to the throat, or boiled, and in like manner applied, it matters not much, it is excellent good for swellings in the throat; the best way, I suppose, is to boil it, having drunk the decoction inwardly, and apply the herb outwardly. The decoction of it besides is an excellent remedy for the yellow jaundice."
Culpeper, Nicholas. (1981). Culpeper's Complete Herbal & English Physician, Pitman Press Ltd. Faximile of 1826 Edition ed p.27
"Orach, Atriplex Is cooling, allays the Pituit Humor: Being set over the Fire, neither this, nor Lettuce, needs any other Water than their own moisture to boil them in, without Expression: The tender Leaves are mingl'd with other cold Salleting; but 'tis better in Pottage."
Evelyn, J. (1937). Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets by John Eveyln 1699. Women's Auxiliary, Brooklyn Botanic Garden. p.32