Additional notes (click to expand)
Antitussive; Astringent; Diuretic; Emmenagogue; Ophthalmic; Purgative; Tonic.
Plants for a Future (2018) (
Geographical distribution
- Europe, Eastern Europe, Baltic States
- Europe, Middle Europe, Austria
- Europe, Middle Europe, Belgium
- Europe, Middle Europe, Germany
- Europe, Middle Europe, Poland
- Europe, Middle Europe, Slovakia
- Europe, Middle Europe, Switzerland
- Europe, Northern Europe, Finland
- Europe, Northern Europe, Great Britain
- Europe, Southeastern Europe, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Europe, Southeastern Europe, Czech Republic
- Europe, Southeastern Europe, Italy
- Europe, Southwestern Europe, France
- Europe, Southwestern Europe, Spain
Centaurea montana L.
Family: ASTERACEAEGenus: Centaurea
Species: montana L.
Common names: Mountain Knapweed, Mountain Cornflower
Pharmacopoeia Londinensis name: Cyanus major
Distribution summary: Europe
Habit: Perennial
Hardiness: H5 - Hardy; cold winter
Habitat: Wooded mountains, dry stony places
Garden status: Currently grown
Garden location: Europe & Middle East (J), Pharmacopoeia Londinensis 1618 'Leaves' (HSE 6)
Flowering months: May, June
Reason for growing: Medicinal