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Other use
Discovered by Ruiz and Pavon in their expedition (1777-1788) to Peru in the Andes in the province of Tarma. “Salvia sagittata, V. Huarnica y Salvia Real [these are local names]. lgunos Indios comen las hojas para precaverse de lombrices. La attribuyen virtud pectoral y antiasmatica y crean que hace fecundar a las mugeres esteriles. Se usa como planta aperitva, diuiretica, detensiva, vulneraria, consolidante y como restaurante del apetito’ (from Relacion del Viaje hecho a los reynos del Peru y Chile ...extractado de los diarios. Hipolito Ruiz. Madrid, published 1931). = Some Indians eat the leaves to prevent worms. They attribute remedial virtues to this plant in asthma and as a pectoral, and they think it makes sterile women fecund. They use it as an aperitive plant, diuretic, vulnerary, consolidant and as a restorer of appetite.
Geographical distribution
- Southern America, Southern South America, Argentina Northwest
- Southern America, Southern South America, Chile North
- Southern America, Western South America, Bolivia
Salvia sagittata Ruiz & Pav.
Family: LAMIACEAEGenus: Salvia
Species: sagittata Ruiz & Pav.
Distribution summary: Chile, W. Argentina
Habit: Perennial
Garden status: Not currently grown