Additional notes (click to expand)


A. molle has no known medicinal uses, but in traditional herbal medicine, the following notes refer to the related species A. majus: The leaves and flowers are antiphlogistic, bitter, resolvent and stimulant. It is effective in the treatment of all kinds of inflammation and is also used on haemorrhoids. The plant is harvested in the summer when in flower and is dried for later use[Chiej. R. Encyclopaedia of Medicinal Plants. MacDonald 1984 ].They have been employed in poultices on tumours and ulcers[Grieve. A Modern Herbal. Penguin 1984].

Geographical distribution

  • Europe, Southwestern Europe, France
  • Europe, Southwestern Europe, Portugal
  • Europe, Southwestern Europe, Spain

Antirrhinum molle L.

Genus: Antirrhinum
Species: molle L.
Common names: Dwarf snapdragon
Distribution summary: France, Portugal, Spain
Habit: Sub-Shrub
Hardiness: H3 - Half hardy; unheated greenhouse/mild winter
Habitat: Open sunny site
Garden status: Not currently grown
Flowering months: May, June, July, August, September, October

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