Additional notes (click to expand)


Called Valerian Graeca by Dodoens (1551) and Parkinson (1640), Valeriana peregrina Belgarum by Lobel (1576).
Oakeley, Dr. Henry F. (2013). Wellcome Library notes. link

Other use

Polemonium caeruleum L. Polemoniaceae Jacob's ladder, Greek Valerian. Hardy perennial. Distribution: Temperate Europe. Dioscorides in 70 AD (Beck, 2005), and Lyte (1578) recommended it drunk in wine, for malignant ulcers, dysentery, difficulty in micturition, hip disease. The root was worn round the neck to protect against scorpions, and stopped toothache if chewed.
Oakeley, Dr. Henry F. (2013). Wellcome Library notes. link

Polemonium caeruleum

Genus: Polemonium
Species: caeruleum
Common names: Jacob's Ladder; Greek Valerian
Distribution summary: N Temperate
Habit: Perennial
Hardiness: H5 - Hardy; cold winter
Garden status: Not currently grown

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