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Phlomis species are described by Dioscorides as herbal drugs, and are used ethno-pharmacologically in herbal medicine for respiratory tract diseases and for local treatment of wounds. Some Phlomis species are used in folk medicine for their analgesic and antidiarrheal properties, and for the treatment of ulcers and hemorrhoids

Geographical distribution

  • Europe, Southwestern Europe, Baleares

Phlomis italica L.

Genus: Phlomis
Species: italica L.
Common names: Balearic Island Sage
Distribution summary: Balearic Islands
Habit: Perennial
Hardiness: H5 - Hardy; cold winter
Habitat: Sunny, dry, rocky hills
Garden status: Currently grown
Garden location: Plants of the World (B)
Flowering months: June, July
Reason for growing: Other use

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