Additional notes (click to expand)
The following notes refer to the use of the species of this plant, L.chinense, in traditional medicine.
The whole plant is depurative, haemostatic and pectoral. A decoction is used in the treatment of coughing in tuberculosis, dysentery, enteritis etc. The leaves can be crushed and pulverised for external application on wounds[A Barefoot Doctors Manual. Running Press ISBN 0-914294-92-X].
Geographical distribution
- Asia-Temperate, China
Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum 'Daybreak's Flame'
Family: HAMAMELIDACEAEGenus: Loropetalum
Species: chinense
Variety: rubrum
Cultivar: 'Daybreak's Flame'
Distribution summary: Garden orgin
Habit: Shrub
Garden status: Currently grown
Garden location: Far East (L)
Reason for growing: Medicinal