Additional notes (click to expand)


Agapanthus L'Her. Amaryllidaceae. African Lily. Bulbous plant. Distribution: South Africa. 'Streamline' is a hybrid cultivar of unknown parentage. The roots of the species Agapanthus africanus are used (in South African 'muthi' medicine) in a decoction for treatment of women in labour and after birth. It is believed to relieve difficult labour and to help the expelling of the placenta. The active chemicals are thought to be saponins and those in Agapanthus have uterotonic activity in crude decoctions (van Wyck, 2000).
Oakeley, Dr. Henry F. (2013). Wellcome Library notes. link


Family changed from Agapanthaceae to Amaryllidaceae 13/11/2023

Other use

Agapanthus L'Her. Amaryllidaceae. African Lily. Bulbous plant. Distribution: South Africa. 'Streamline' is a hybrid cultivar of unknown parentage. The roots of Agapanthus africanus are used (in South African 'muthi' medicine) in a decoction for treatment of women in labour and after birth. It is believed to relieve difficult labour and to help the expelling of the placenta. The active chemicals are thought to be saponins and those in Agapanthus have uterotonic activity in crude decoctions (van Wyck, 2000).
Oakeley, Dr. Henry F. (2013). Wellcome Library notes. link

Agapanthus 'Streamline'

Genus: Agapanthus
Cultivar: 'Streamline'
Distribution summary: Garden origin
Habit: Bulbous
Garden status: Currently grown
Garden location: Southern Hemisphere (K)

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