Additional notes (click to expand)
Restricted medicinal
Other use
Flower water is an astringent skin wash.
Podlech, D. (1996). Herbs & Healing Plants of Britain & Europe, Collins p.126
Used for heart problems in homeopathic medicine.
Podlech, D. (1996). Herbs & Healing Plants of Britain & Europe, Collins p.126
ACTIVE PRINCIPLE: all parts, flowers, fruits. convallatoxin and other cardenolides, saponins
Wink, M. (2009). Mode of Action and toxicology of plant toxins and poisonous plants. Mitt. Julius Kuhn-Inst. 421:93-111. page 99
Class 1b highly hazardous; cardiac glycosides inhibit Na+,K+-ATPase, cardiac glycoside intoxication, nausea, gastrointestinal disturbance, diarrhoea, dizziness, hypertension, arrythmia, coma, cardiac arrest
Wink, M. (2009). Mode of Action and toxicology of plant toxins and poisonous plants. Mitt. Julius Kuhn-Inst. 421:93-111. page 99
Geographical distribution
- Asia-Temperate, Caucasus, North Caucasus
- Asia-Temperate, Caucasus, Transcaucasus
- Asia-Temperate, China
- Asia-Temperate, Eastern Asia, Japan
- Asia-Temperate, Eastern Asia, Korea
- Asia-Temperate, Mongolia
- Asia-Temperate, Russian Far East
- Asia-Temperate, Siberia
- Asia-Tropical, Indo-China, Myanmar
- Europe, Eastern Europe, Belarus
- Europe, Eastern Europe, Northwest European Russia
- Europe, Eastern Europe, South European Russia
- Europe, Eastern Europe, Ukraine
- Europe, Middle Europe, Austria
- Europe, Middle Europe, Belgium
- Europe, Middle Europe, Germany
- Europe, Middle Europe, Hungary
- Europe, Middle Europe, Netherlands
- Europe, Middle Europe, Poland
- Europe, Northern Europe, Denmark
- Europe, Northern Europe, Finland
- Europe, Northern Europe, Great Britain
- Europe, Northern Europe, Norway
- Europe, Northern Europe, Sweden
- Europe, Southeastern Europe, Albania
- Europe, Southeastern Europe, Bulgaria
- Europe, Southeastern Europe, Greece
- Europe, Southeastern Europe, Italy
- Europe, Southeastern Europe, Romania
- Europe, Southeastern Europe, Yugoslavia
- Europe, Southwestern Europe, France
- Europe, Southwestern Europe, Spain
- Northern America, Northeastern U.S.A.
- Northern America, Southeastern U.S.A.
Convallaria majalis L.
Family: ASPARAGACEAEGenus: Convallaria
Species: majalis L.
Common names: Lily-of-the-Valley
Pharmacopoeia Londinensis name: Lilii conuallij
Distribution summary: Eurasia, E. U.S.A
Habit: Perennial
Hardiness: H5 - Hardy; cold winter
Habitat: Deciduous woods, scrub, hedgerows, calcareous woods
Garden status: Currently grown
Garden location: Pharmacopoeia Londinensis 1618 'Flowers' (HSE 1B), Plants of the World (C)
Flowering months: May, June
Reason for growing: Medicinal, toxic