Additional notes (click to expand)


A synonym of Actaea racemosa.
The Plant List (2010). Version 1.1 Published on the Internet;

See Actaea racemosa.


Side effects/precautions: hypersensitivity; do not take with hepatic/renal impairment, liver disease/damage, pregnant, breast feeding, estrogen dependent tumour, galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase deficiency; caution with breast cancer; may cause menstrual disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, allergic skin reactions, facial oedema/peripheral oedema, increase in liver enzymes, weight gain, liver reactions. From Patient information leaflet for preparations licensed as Traditional Herbal remedies in the UK.
Medicines and Health Care Regulatory Authority, 2013 Licensed Traditional Herbal Remedies

Cimicifuga racemosa L.

Genus: Cimicifuga
Species: racemosa L.
Garden status: Not currently grown
Reason for growing: Medicinal

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