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The Royal Horticultural Society

Family name change from Papilionaceae


The seeds of several Lathyrus species are toxic, and when eaten cause a condition called lathyrism. The chemical diaminoproprionic acid in the seeds causes paralysis, spinal cord damage, aortic aneurysm, due to poisoning of mitochondria causing cell death. Occurs where food crops are contaminated by Lathyrus plants or where it is eaten as a 'famine food' when no other food is available. It is the Orobus sylvaticus purpureus vernus of Bauhin (1671) and Orobus sylvaticus angustifolius of Parkinson (1640) - who records that country folk had no uses for it.
Oakeley, Dr. Henry F. (2013). Wellcome Library notes. link

Professor Anthony Dayan, 2022

Lathyrus odoratus L. 'Lisa Marie'

Genus: Lathyrus
Species: odoratus L.
Cultivar: 'Lisa Marie'
Common names: Sweet Pea 'Lisa Marie'
Distribution summary: Italy
Habit: Annual
Hardiness: H4 - Hardy; average winter
Garden status: Not currently grown
Flowering months: April, May, June
Reason for growing: Toxic

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