Additional notes (click to expand)
In traditional medicine this plant has been used as an expectorant ( Niebuhr. A. D. Herbs of Greece. Herb Society of America. 1970)
Geographical distribution
- Africa, Macaronesia, Canary Is.
- Africa, Northern Africa
- Asia-Temperate, Caucasus
- Asia-Temperate, Western Asia
- Europe, Eastern Europe, Ukraine
- Europe, Southeastern Europe
- Europe, Southwestern Europe
Nigella damascena L.
Family: RANUNCULACEAEGenus: Nigella
Species: damascena L.
Common names: Love-in-a-mist, Jack-in-the-green
Distribution summary: North Africa, Europe, temperate Asia
Habit: Annual
Hardiness: H3 - Half hardy; unheated greenhouse/mild winter
Garden status: Currently grown
Garden location: Display bed (R)
Flowering months: April, May, June, July
Reason for growing: Medicinal, other use