Additional notes (click to expand)
Geographical distribution
- Africa, Macaronesia, Canary Is.
- Africa, Macaronesia, Madeira
- Asia-Temperate, Caucasus, Transcaucasus
- Asia-Temperate, Middle Asia, Turkmenistan
- Asia-Temperate, Western Asia, Cyprus
- Asia-Temperate, Western Asia, Israel
- Asia-Temperate, Western Asia, Jordan
- Asia-Temperate, Western Asia, Lebanon-Syria
- Asia-Temperate, Western Asia, Turkey
- Europe, Eastern Europe, Ukraine
- Europe, Middle Europe, Belgium
- Europe, Middle Europe, Germany
- Europe, Middle Europe, Hungary
- Europe, Middle Europe, Switzerland
- Europe, Southeastern Europe, Albania
- Europe, Southeastern Europe, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Europe, Southeastern Europe, Bulgaria
- Europe, Southeastern Europe, Czech Republic
- Europe, Southeastern Europe, Greece
- Europe, Southeastern Europe, Italy
- Europe, Southeastern Europe, Romania
- Europe, Southeastern Europe, Turkey-in-Europe
- Europe, Southeastern Europe, Yugoslavia
- Europe, Southwestern Europe, France
- Europe, Southwestern Europe, Portugal
- Europe, Southwestern Europe, Spain
Calendula arvensis L.
Family: ASTERACEAEGenus: Calendula
Species: arvensis L.
Common names: Field Marigold
Distribution summary: Africa, Europe, temperate Asia
Habit: Annual
Hardiness: H4 - Hardy; average winter
Habitat: Wasteland and roadsides
Garden status: Not currently grown
Flowering months: June, July, August, September
Reason for growing: Medicinal, other use