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Traditional Herbal Medicine Registration (THMR).

Other use

Capsaicin is a component of many disabling and riot control sprays because of its acute irritant effect; makes the eyes water and producing burning sensations in the eyes, nose and mouth
Professor Anthony Dayan, 2022


Capsaicin can be highly irritant and painful to eyes and mouth. Smaller doses are an important ingredient in hot foods, such as chilli dishes
Professor Anthony Dayan, 2022

Capsicum annuum 'Numex Twilight'

Genus: Capsicum
Species: annuum
Cultivar: 'Numex Twilight'
Common names: Chilli pepper
Habit: Annual
Hardiness: H1c - Heated greenhouse; warm temperate
Habitat: Garden origin
Garden status: Currently grown
Garden location: Southern Hemisphere Wolfson bed (N), Olive tree bed (O)
Reason for growing: Medicinal, toxic, traditional herbal registration

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