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Historical use. 'The full and sappy roots of Lady-traces eaten or boyled in milke, and drunk, provoke venery, nourish and strengthen the body and be good for such as be fallen into a consumption or Fever Hectique'. HFO Note: While Gerard was principally referring to Spiranthes autumnalis, he attributed the same uses to all Spiranthes, and the use is as for Salep (from the roots of all European terrestrial orchids) in the present day.
Gerard, J. (1975). The Herbal or General History of Plants. New York: Fascimile Dover Publications Inc . page 219

Spiranthes cernua var. odorata 'Chadd's Ford'

Genus: Spiranthes
Species: cernua
Variety: odorata
Cultivar: 'Chadd's Ford'
Habit: Perennial
Garden status: Not currently grown

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