Additional notes (click to expand)


In traditional medicine this plant is considered a mild narcotic .,

This was used in traditional medicine, as documented by 17th century herbalist Nicholas Culpeper in his herbal. ' The root cures tough phlegm, digests raw phlegm, thius gross humours, dissolves hard tumours, and opens obstructions.'
Culpeper (attributed to) , N. Culpeper's Complete Herbal. W. Foulsham, London. p.385

Other use

Reseda lutea L. Resedaceae Wild Mignonette. Dyers Rocket. Herbaceous plant. Distribution: Eurasia and North Africa. This plant, and in particular R. LUTEOLA, is the source of 'weld' a yellow dye from luteolin a flavonoid in the sap. It is said to have been used since the first millennium BC, but curiously Dioscorides, Lyte, Gerard, Lobel, Fuchs, Coles, Quincy, Linnaeus (1782) either do not mention it or make it synonymous with Eruca, Rocket, and make no reference to it as a dye source. The name Resedo means 'I sit up' in Latin, which Stearn (1994) interprets as 'I heal' which makes its absence even more strange. It is noted as the dye source by Bentley (1861).
Oakeley, Dr. Henry F. (2013). Wellcome Library notes. link

Geographical distribution

  • Africa, Northern Africa, Egypt
  • Africa, Northern Africa, Libya
  • Africa, Northern Africa, Morocco
  • Asia-Temperate, Caucasus
  • Asia-Temperate, Western Asia, Afghanistan
  • Asia-Temperate, Western Asia, Cyprus
  • Asia-Temperate, Western Asia, Iran
  • Asia-Temperate, Western Asia, Iraq
  • Asia-Temperate, Western Asia, Israel
  • Asia-Temperate, Western Asia, Jordan
  • Asia-Temperate, Western Asia, Lebanon-Syria
  • Asia-Temperate, Western Asia, Turkey
  • Asia-Tropical, Indian Subcontinent, Pakistan
  • Europe, Eastern Europe, Ukraine
  • Europe, Middle Europe, Slovakia
  • Europe, Southeastern Europe, Albania
  • Europe, Southeastern Europe, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Europe, Southeastern Europe, Bulgaria
  • Europe, Southeastern Europe, Czech Republic
  • Europe, Southeastern Europe, Greece
  • Europe, Southeastern Europe, Italy
  • Europe, Southeastern Europe, Yugoslavia
  • Europe, Southwestern Europe, France
  • Europe, Southwestern Europe, Spain

Reseda luteola L.

Genus: Reseda
Species: luteola L.
Common names: Dyer's Rocket
Distribution summary: N.Africa to Pakistan
Habit: Biennial
Hardiness: H4 - Hardy; average winter
Habitat: Scrub and waste land
Garden status: Currently grown
Garden location: Europe & Middle East (J), Plane tree bed (P)
Flowering months: June, July, August
Reason for growing: Medicinal, other use

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